
Work We Are Proud Of

Fred’s Sports Bar

Fred’s Sports Bar

We have worked with Fred's Sports Bar for many years. First we built them an app (see below) and then we took over the website as well. Sam and Enza had very clear ideas about the look they wanted for their site, and it turned out beautifully!

The Perch Ionia

The Perch Ionia

The Perch is a new retirement living project undertaken by the owners of Energy Efficient Building Solutions. They are going to use the Tstud product on a real building locally, and benefit some seniors who can live in a home that is tremendously energy efficient. How...

Energy Efficient Building Solutions

Energy Efficient Building Solutions

Energy Efficient Building Solutions is a new company that is using an amazing product called Tstud, which makes buildings much more energy efficient. Saving money and being warmer or cooler at the same time? Yes please!

Zion United Methodist

Zion United Methodist

Zion United Methodist Church came to us wanting a website that reflects their beliefs and features the history of their congregation and building. Established in the mid-1800s, this church was one of the first to be built in the town of Ionia, Michigan. What an...

2 Rivers Market Place

2 Rivers Market Place

2 Rivers Market is a non-profit space dedicated to helping microbusinesses test their products for growth to the next phase. It offers locals the opportunity to shop with retailers from the same town, and businesses get a chance to grow with some support and...

Earnest Apps

Earnest Apps

We created Earnest Apps to demonstrate the flexibility and affordability of Progressive Web Apps, which can do much of the same thing that native apps do at a fraction of the cost. Check them out!

O’Connor Auto Repair

O’Connor Auto Repair

Dennis O'Connor didn't have a website, and we were pleased to create this one for him. This is actually the second "look" we've done for Dennis. It's common to want a fresh new look every few years, and Dennis was no exception.

Skate on This!

Skate on This!

Skate On This! is a sister site to Preservation Materials International. They actually use the recycled plastic to produce skating surfaces that can be used indoors or out, year-round. Check out the videos to learn more!

Preservation Materials International

Preservation Materials International

Preservation Materials International wanted an online catalog of their recycled plastic products. You'd be amazed at all of the things they can do with plastic.

Earnest Marketing

Earnest Marketing

Our original company name was Earnest Marketing, and this little site is something we keep because it's a great way to remain visible to people who knew us "back then".

Discover Ionia.com

Discover Ionia.com

Discover Ionia is an initiative undertaken by the local Downtown Development Authority. Ionia is a beautiful place, and this site really showcases the beauty and opportunities this little town offers.

Mark Jennings, CPA

Mark Jennings, CPA

Mark Jennings is an accountant. He wanted a site that represents his business well, gives some financial tips to visitors, and helps them find him if they need additional help with taxes or bookkeeping. Mark is a fan of a certain university, and you can see it in his...



This site was built for a community Vacation Bible School program and serves the purpose of informing everyone what the yearly program will be as well as hosting the registration forms for volunteers and attendees. We love the colors and the fun vibe!



RealtorApp.biz is one of our own sites, built to showcase what we can do with a progressive web app for realtors. We are quite fond of the look! Built on WordPress using the (now retired) Upfront theme, it's a nice clean interface that is easy on the eyes.

More Projects

These are websites that we have either consulted on, or the businesses have closed.

Shamrock Power Wash

Hamblin Body Shop

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